
Showing posts from November, 2016


CHACHA CHACHI ! Have you ever walked on a floor just mopped by a worker? Have you ever unwrapped a magic cone ice cream while walking on the streets along with your friends? Have you ever thrown a Kurkure packet out of the car window? To be honest, we all have done the above things either intentionally or unintentionally. During the process of the above action, the reactions were recorded by some eyes. These were the eyes of a worker or let’s say a laborer whose rag picking schedule starts at 6 am in the morning and don’t know when it ends. But we never paid much heed to their unconditional hard work and moved forward. In this rat race of 21 st century, there are some people to whom we are neglecting and taking for granted. Imagine a day, you wake up in the morning and you are unable to find your newspaper. Then, you go to the kitchen and another fact which is revealed that you don’t have milk since the guy is on a holiday. The day will go on a troll if these petty people star