
Showing posts from July, 2017


# Her DREAMS ! Completing a quota of 9 months, she popped out from the womb of her mother, with cute twinkling eyes. That was the beginning, when she cried and her mother smiled. With this onset, she had her  # First_Dream  and that was walking on her legs. Lot's of " fell downs " and " get ups " until and unless, one fine day she nailed that feat. Thereafter, she saw her brother leaving the house early in the morning for school and she had a dream of studying. Soon,she stepped into  this rat-race in order to chase her dreams. She cleared all the grades with reserving the top spot at most occasions. Life was all fun so much so that she finally transformed her dream of being an " Astronaut " to a " Neurosurgeon ", not because someone forced her but because, she wanted to work for a noble cause. But one dark day, something happened and her  Dreams   coincidentally met the  Doom ,putting a full stop to everything. The first para