“The Genius Thing that we did was, we didn't give up.”
                                            - Jay-Z                                                                                                 Rapper, Record Producer, Entrepreneur

CAREER” A crucial six letter word which is exclusively responsible for another six letter word, “FUTURE”. Well in the 21st century of globalization, the competition has become so ruthless that standing in this world feels like a contestant in a reality show performing at various levels, consisting of mega rounds, with people judging you and your success at every spot. In a vast developing nation like India, the scenario keeps on changing every decade leaving behind the days when Engineering, Medical, Law and Management were the only career paths one opted for, after finishing school. Nowadays, we have got plenty of options which enable us to explore uncharted territories such as Ethical Hacking, Wildlife Photography, Arts and Music, Game Designer, Animation, Fashion Designing, Hair Styling, Radio Jockey etc.

Someone has rightly said choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life which makes this evident that the faith of this mammoth nation is going to be changed not by politicians, but by us. We know that we can create a revolution because we are talented. But what requires is to execute it in the right direction and nurture it so much so that we have got a point to prove that yes we can also earn a living .

I know most of the parents are still skeptical about the offbeat courses. But parental involvement is crucial in helping an individual which will prepare you mentally and emotionally for the future hurdles. You need to push yourself beyond your limits and come out of your comfort zone if you want to grab each and every ounce of success. Basically, we all are in a sea of our comfort zones, we step out of it and start  swimming without knowing what will happen. We may face the waves of uncertainty, the tides of sacrifice, the unpredictable climate change of destiny, but if we believe that we  have got something, then  we can reach our magical destination.

Some people laugh at your dreams because they don’t have any. They ask this salary question very often which may hurt you with a pinch of salt. Dude, if you feel your dreams are big enough to make you happy then you never have to think for salary. You will love doing your passion. Talking about the other aspect which people frequently ask is, “How many have made it big up till now?” You need to know the minute difference between an ‘OPTION’ and a 'CHOICE’. There is a saying that one in hand is obviously better than one not so sure in the bush.

There is never too late to make a start. So, don’t wait for the last moment until you grow old with sunken cheeks , upper jaw uplifted, milk teeth broken and perhaps a lonely park chair to share your old fashioned sorrow of why you did  your ‘9 to 5 job’ and did not go for your dream. You will regret one day waking up and realizing that there is no more time left for the things that you always wanted to do. So utilize your abilities and puncture your energy for the section “TO DO THINGS”. Moreover, don’t compare yourself with anyone in this world. If you do so, you are insulting yourself. Nobody gets everything. There are some little things which are never in your hand. Don’t be sad by other people’s part time success. There will be your time too. Whenever you are about to take a decision, ask your inner voice, “Am I happy?” So always listen to your heart, which will surely give you satisfactory answers rather than brain which gives mechanical answers which are theory based.

To sum up the entire context, my message to the upcoming youth of the country is that if you are brave enough to take risks and follow your heart, instead of following the herd, you will surely get your devoted destination. Moreover the point to be highlighted is that, "Never ever take short cuts in your life, they may cut short your dreams." We must all remember that all dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. If you want it, then GO FOR IT!

-        -  Saransh Verma


  1. This was a much needed article.
    Respect man.
    And yes you're doing a great job keep that up ❤��

    1. Thank You so much Pulkita :)
      I love inspiring people and I will keep doing that!

  2. Very well written my friend. Keep writing and inspiring young minds.

    1. thanks bhai....
      I think you know who inspired me to write this :p

  3. Gr8 Saransh.....very inspiring article....keep it up!!!

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  5. It is a very generous and inspiring post.... Many guys who are in the stage of their life where they have to choose their future will have a great support from this.. keep posting

    1. thanks for the words Zaki. It really means a lot.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. All of the text sums up like this-

    The more you burn the better you shine.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Amazing... Last four Paras were so damn inspiring.... U nailed it ... beautifully written ...keep up the work 😊


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