
Showing posts from November, 2017

Why does India gossip so much?

Why does India gossip so much? “Rumours are carried by Haters, spread by Fools and accepted by Idiots!” When a girl gets raped in India, people are more eager to see the victim’s face; who was she, how was she looking, what was her age, what was she wearing, her dressing sense and the creepy comments goes on and on. This gives birth to a very famous 6 letter word of our Indian household and that is ‘gossip’ . Well the oxford dictionary defines it as “ Casual or unchecked conversation about other people, typically involving details which are not confirmed as true.” clearly causing corrosion in people’s life. Turning the pages of a high class sophisticated newspaper with a cup of morning tea ignites the morning discussion of Indians. Today’s news headlines are as follows. Two people are joined by four experts with a vivid knowledge of every subject which they were never taught. Topic can be anything, but we love to gossip; be it the Arushi Murder Case or a Match Fixi