Why does India gossip so much?

Why does India gossip so much?

“Rumours are carried by Haters, spread by Fools and accepted by Idiots!”

When a girl gets raped in India, people are more eager to see the victim’s face; who was she, how was she looking, what was her age, what was she wearing, her dressing sense and the creepy comments goes on and on. This gives birth to a very famous 6 letter word of our Indian household and that is ‘gossip’. Well the oxford dictionary defines it as Casual or unchecked conversation about other people, typically involving details which are not confirmed as true.” clearly causing corrosion in people’s life.

Turning the pages of a high class sophisticated newspaper with a cup of morning tea ignites the morning discussion of Indians. Today’s news headlines are as follows. Two people are joined by four experts with a vivid knowledge of every subject which they were never taught. Topic can be anything, but we love to gossip; be it the Arushi Murder Case or a Match Fixing Scandal, we just simply take a sword to decide everyone’s fate, ignoring the judicial system of the country. Well who cares for their decision, as there are already 3.5 crore cases pending, patiently waiting for their turn to come.

No doubt, our Indian Media has failed in justifying the quote; “Media is the Light of Democracy.We are living in a world where gossip sells. Media loves to polish the news with their cherry blossom shine effect when it is out to display.
Open the TV, click for any channel and hereby the war of words begin. I ask you why, why is this so important to fool around on a topic and make a national debate by remarking it as, THE NATION WANTS TO KNOW section?
Sorry! We don’t want to know. We are intelligent enough to make out what is right and wrong for us. Aren’t we?
Moreover, she was a girl; she went through that trauma under unbearable circumstances. At least, think of her life, her parents, her zone and a lot more things she might be facing in future.

More of it, what is more important is the identity of the criminal. People should be more keen and wakeful to see those devils that do such heinous crime, just to make sure that their kid does not get trapped in their shackles, because since they are alive, anything can happen anytime. When rapists are caught, why do we hide their face? 
Are they camera conscious? Perhaps not!
I will tell you what, they are simply coward, yes a COWARD. That is the time, where they should be humiliated to their inner soul. Treat them the way, they treated her.

People need to understand the significance of the 5 letter word ‘Karma’. No doubt she is a bitch; she may bite you anytime, any day, and so make sure you keep your mouths Colgate cleaned before making any stinking statement.  Policy is very simple; if you don’t see it with your own eyes, or hear it with your own ears, please don’t invent it with your small mind and share it with your big mouth.
Is it really effective to take out long candle marches just to seek justice for her?
Does it actually work?
Our country holds records for 4 time rapists. Work should be done on that part. I think we must utilize our potential where it is required the most. Your effort in walking and holding can never match the pain and pressure she faced when she was tied and gang raped. Not even a centimeter!

Talking about the current scenario, the rat- race of 21st century depends on youngsters, who aren’t far off from giving their opinion; after all they have the baton of Freedom of Speech. A better India is directly proportional to its youth empowerment. They choose social networking sites, be it Facebook, Instagram or Twitter to express their opinions and what more, fill walls with suggestions. But are they actually using it in the correct manner?

Tearing a packet of crispy Kurkure with a mug of coffee in hand starts a give and take conversation between few friends who later become panelists to support their say.
Fair enough. We all do it. We are obsessed with gossip. From items like who’s doing what, who’s wearing what, who’s dating whom, who’s making how much money, who’s eloped with whom, why somebody is in the job, why somebody is out of job, why somebody got promotion, who is suffering from which disease, we want to gossip without break.

People visit social functions like marriage, engagements, parties, etc just to meet friends and opportunity to gossip. We love to lick the plates of other person. We peep into other person’s kitchen to see his lunch box, thus always criticizing our own meal.
We like to share stories but the trick is to set boundaries at work. Look in your network. Respect someone’s privacy. If someone says that they want to keep this as their personal stuff, don’t judge them. Never trust those people who tell you people’s secrets, they might be the first one to leak your personal points. You walk, you roam around with people. Who knows they might be planting something against you behind your back.
“Ouch it hurts!”
Yes it will, not now instantly, but surely a bit later. So always believe in yourself.
If you think, you are correct, you need not care about the world. The lesson to be learnt is that, who gossips with you, will gossip of you.

Summing up the entire context, watch out for such people who seem to be too close to your inset, always showing off that they care for you. Do they actually mean what they say?
 Hah! Obviously not!
We all forget that while words have the power to destroy, they also have the power to heal. It’s all up to us whether to destroy or heal!  People will change according to their situations. It’s up to you, get accustomed to news things. Prepare yourself for the later half, nurture your body in such a way that your pink-pinch spots heals down easily. People will come and go, but make sure your life circle completes with the right curves.

-  Saransh Verma


  1. Replies
    1. I always try to put forth the real story. That's the aim!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Nikita for reading and sharing your views!

    2. The discription of the topic is tremendous it is to the point.
      This is evaluated with all the things carried out from the past centuries to present scenario .. keep it up❤️✌🏻 and bring more such points to be highlighted ..
      All the best !!

  3. I love this ''piece of ur work " writer...go ahead, keep writing n enlightening the entire world..👍


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