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CHACHA CHACHI ! Have you ever walked on a floor just mopped by a worker? Have you ever unwrapped a magic cone ice cream while walking on the streets along with your friends? Have you ever thrown a Kurkure packet out of the car window? To be honest, we all have done the above things either intentionally or unintentionally. During the process of the above action, the reactions were recorded by some eyes. These were the eyes of a worker or let’s say a laborer whose rag picking schedule starts at 6 am in the morning and don’t know when it ends. But we never paid much heed to their unconditional hard work and moved forward. In this rat race of 21 st century, there are some people to whom we are neglecting and taking for granted. Imagine a day, you wake up in the morning and you are unable to find your newspaper. Then, you go to the kitchen and another fact which is revealed that you don’t have milk since the guy is on a holiday. The day will go on a troll if these petty people star


THINKING OUT OF THE BOX ! “The Genius Thing that we did was, we didn't give up.”                                             - Jay-Z                                                                                                  Rapper, Record Producer, Entrepreneur “ CAREER ” A crucial six letter word which is exclusively responsible for another six letter word, “ FUTURE ”. Well in the 21 st century of globalization, the competition has become so ruthless that standing in this world feels like a contestant in a reality show performing at various levels, consisting of mega rounds, with people judging you and your success at every spot. In a vast developing nation like India, the scenario keeps on changing every decade leaving behind the days when Engineering, Medical, Law and Management were the only career paths one opted for, after finishing school. Nowadays, we have got plenty of options which enable us to explore  uncharted  territories such as Ethical Hacking


Ironical India! We can change the world and make it a better place. It’s in your hands to make a difference .                                                                                                                      - Nelson Mandela India is a diverse country and of course it’s secular , we have been taught to begin our every civics answer in this polite way to seek some attention about the political agenda of the country and I have been writing this since I was 10 and still using this as a punch line after 9 years. Well, basically, this so-called 8 letter word “ ironical ” simply means something which is said in a serious way, but has got a hidden comical meaning in it. When in India, a child is born, he or she intentionally or unintentionally forms a billion relationships which he or she has to follow till he or she dies but the fun fact is, it’s also a land of contradictions. Here people have the hypocritical mind arising from societal and economic issue

Victims Need Support,Not Just SYMPATHY

Victims need Support, not just SYMPATHY “You hold the acid that charred my dreams. You will hear and you will be told that the face you burned is the face I love now. You will hear about me in the darkness of confinement.”                                                                                                                 -   Laxmi, An Acid Attack Victim Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable. All life demands struggle. Well, we all know that Life is a Struggle . Everyone has to face it someday or the other. But some face it in a very different manner. It was in 2005 , when 16 year old Laxmi was waiting at the bus stop in New Delhi’s Khan Market under the scorching heat of the sun. Suddenly a 32 year old man came and threw acid on her face so much so that her face was reduced to a mass of third degree burns, disfiguring her permanently . The pain was unbearable. This punishable act took place only for the meager reason that she re