Ironical India!

We can change the world and make it a better place. It’s in your hands to make a difference.
                                                                                                                     -Nelson Mandela

India is a diverse country and of course it’s secular, we have been taught to begin our every civics answer in this polite way to seek some attention about the political agenda of the country and I have been writing this since I was 10 and still using this as a punch line after 9 years.
Well, basically, this so-called 8 letter word “ironical” simply means something which is said in a serious way, but has got a hidden comical meaning in it. When in India, a child is born, he or she intentionally or unintentionally forms a billion relationships which he or she has to follow till he or she dies but the fun fact is, it’s also a land of contradictions. Here people have the hypocritical mind arising from societal and economic issues. These ironies are linked with the so-called Indian mentality filled with doses of fun and humor.

If you ever get a chance, take a Kerala Express ride, you will get the flavor of real India. This train touches many parts, starting from New Delhi, then Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and ending in Kerala,Gods Own Country!”.
You get to meet people with varied personalities, their views, and their opinions on all the topics. Some people love to talk, wherever you are and wherever you go. Some get friend zoned so easily. Natural innocent people with their wildest fantasies of purchasing almost everything that comes their way, be it mogra flowers or ear rings. You get to see schools, villages, and people doing their morning stuff, cute little girls having their cultural desires, particularly dancing.
Then, there is that 7 rupees tea which has got such healing activities which can soothe your mind in the chilling 4 am winter. It’s about the freedom, the feel you get as you peep out of the window. It’s about life and making it large. People have their political talks with a pinch of satire in it. Some have the delicious Bollywood gossips. People commenting on cricket about why did Dhoni didn’t went for the helicopter shot and went for the flick one, resulting in out.

On the other hand, some people have that 'bargaining' attitude. They will reduce every penny for anything. They don’t get the fact, that there are some who have to do these kinds of jobs only for a livelihood, not for a mere business strategy.
Like for instance, when I was last travelling, with all-set packed snacks for the journey, there was this poor yet sweet little girl came to me and she had those twinkling eyes which made me share my Kurkure with her, an impression which is still there. She nodded was some more and I gave it all to her. She was so please with it and that was a million dollar gesture. A dimpled smile which can please anyone’s heart.
Generally, we are taught of not to give any amount of money to random strangers. This thought was almost revolting, but she was special and seemed an exception. So I have got no regrets on my part. It was a kind thing indeed! The policy that matters is,
“Give it to whom who really needs it.” 

But it’s a fact that over the last 10 years, the rich have got richer and the beggars have reappeared on the streets. They are professional beggars of a new breed. Yes, and they are doing it very nicely. When we see beggars on traffic signals, temples, footpaths or outside restaurants, we are filled with remorse; we pity them and hope for them to have a better life. However, this example will certainly change your mind; a 49-year old family man from Mumbai with an entrepreneurial outlook with the profession as begging where he owns two apartments valued at around 70 Lakhs. Apart from this, he has rented out a shop to a juice center and collects Rs.10, 000 as monthly rent. He successfully begs around Rs.75000 every month, and is really passionate about his work and at the end of the day, what does he happily say, “It’s a fun travelling on trains free of cost. I board any train and beg till I reach my destination. ” 
India has 3.72 lakh beggars of whom 21% are literate, having passed senior secondary certificate exams and above. In fact, more than 3,000 of them have professional diplomas, or are graduates and even post-graduates, according to the Census 2011.

This isn’t it. There are many instances of irony. The shoes we wear are sold in air conditioned showrooms. But the vegetables, we eat are sold at the footpath. We live in a country where seeing a policeman makes us nervous rather feeling safe.  We Indians are so obsessed with screen guards on their smart phones even though most come with scratch proof Gorilla Glass but never bother wearing a helmet while riding their bikes. Indian parents want their child to stand out in a crowd but expect them to do what the crowd is doing. They want their child to be the BEST but they want to go him for the typical engineer and doctor stuff. How is that different from the crowd?

To wrap up on a positive note, let me make out the common things. We, as Indians are known for our culture, our ethnic values, and traditions. We have a heart which is kind to the kindest people and so it’s high time, it’s time to adjust, it’s time to compromise, it’s time to have a prosperous living and have a healthy life. I m sure still lot of people are waiting with open swords to counter attack the above mentioned views. This again proves our ironical nature. I won’t say I’m a huge personality or a very great person. I’m not any of them neither I’m close to any of the above. But I m the youth of the country, its biggest strength, and it’s time for a CHANGE!

-Saransh Verma


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