
Showing posts from 2017

Why does India gossip so much?

Why does India gossip so much? “Rumours are carried by Haters, spread by Fools and accepted by Idiots!” When a girl gets raped in India, people are more eager to see the victim’s face; who was she, how was she looking, what was her age, what was she wearing, her dressing sense and the creepy comments goes on and on. This gives birth to a very famous 6 letter word of our Indian household and that is ‘gossip’ . Well the oxford dictionary defines it as “ Casual or unchecked conversation about other people, typically involving details which are not confirmed as true.” clearly causing corrosion in people’s life. Turning the pages of a high class sophisticated newspaper with a cup of morning tea ignites the morning discussion of Indians. Today’s news headlines are as follows. Two people are joined by four experts with a vivid knowledge of every subject which they were never taught. Topic can be anything, but we love to gossip; be it the Arushi Murder Case or a Match Fixi


👸 ~Dad's Daughter~ 👸 Pushing the reverse gear into place, he parked the car outside his house.This morning, there was no one giving him unnecessary instructions on how to carefully move the car out. In a hurry to kill every milli second of a minute, he wrapped up some unnecessary work; collecting random documents, mobile, specs, etc. Getting into the car, closing the door, all proved to be a daring task for a helpless father. Seeing the side seat empty pinched every emotion of  him, justifying his loneliness. Dropping her school with the energetic ' 93.5 Red FM ' on has been a journey for 12 quick years. Seeing her growing from a tender shrub to a fragile plant can be calculated by a distance from home to school which involved moral chapters of life, on how to display a sensible character. Another golden points to highlight were the 'manners' and 'etiquettes' which one should keep up. Lot's of lessons were learnt in less than 20 minutes ride.


# Her DREAMS ! Completing a quota of 9 months, she popped out from the womb of her mother, with cute twinkling eyes. That was the beginning, when she cried and her mother smiled. With this onset, she had her  # First_Dream  and that was walking on her legs. Lot's of " fell downs " and " get ups " until and unless, one fine day she nailed that feat. Thereafter, she saw her brother leaving the house early in the morning for school and she had a dream of studying. Soon,she stepped into  this rat-race in order to chase her dreams. She cleared all the grades with reserving the top spot at most occasions. Life was all fun so much so that she finally transformed her dream of being an " Astronaut " to a " Neurosurgeon ", not because someone forced her but because, she wanted to work for a noble cause. But one dark day, something happened and her  Dreams   coincidentally met the  Doom ,putting a full stop to everything. The first para

The Mother & Her Daughter!

~The Mother & Her Daughter!~ On a dark day, she lost her kid who was yet to touch the shines of a Star. It was a situation of trauma for her heart, paralyzing her emotions with a deep wound. Soon, she was flooded with ferocious questions. Regardless of any fear, she stepped out of her house, not to give any justification but to have a clarification, thus displaying a commendable character. People raising their eyebrows with a twisted neck having a desperate eagerness of curio us queries about the departed soul. Anyway, she fought fearlessly to the atrocious remarks made to her daughter. Thereafter the dooms day, she started teaching nursery kids, just for namesake into whom she saw one of her daughter. The short pony tail, resembling more of a cat look with chubby cheeks having a rosy complexion. The gleaming eyes shared the same bright look. The similarities coinciding with the dissimilar situation again resulted in the rolling down of tears. That was just a mere phon

|| #An UNTITLED Story# ||

|| #An UNTITLED Story# ||  It was hot as humid when I stepped into the local mini bus, with sweat dropping down my cleavage.I had to cover it up with my dupatta . It took me half a minute to adjust myself in the unhealthy environment of the mini bus. I saw 2 guys staring at me with wide open mouth. This made me realize that I need to hide my bra strap from their killer gazes. One of them was rubbing his chest hair. The other one was playing with his untrimmed beard. I tried to restrain myself from their strange looks. The distance of me standing and they sitting wasn't that far off.  In another few stops, they came closer to me.Those maroon-colored pan lips with a reddish-yellow textured teeth. I tried distracting myself with the ear plugs on. The song on radio mirchi was that of the movie #PINK- "Tu Chal". Down the lane I was a bit nervous,but soon I realized that why should I be? I'm a proud daughter of my father who taught me to withstand all